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Roach Getting In a Car MEME (Is it REAL?)

A roach getting in a car is a popular meme started on Twitter when a user @4theluvofnu shared a conversation about him with his friend being an ugly roach and getting into a car. He even shared an image as proof.

The story went viral and was shared and retweeted multiple times.

There are now several versions of the meme. A few buildings on the already existing version, and a few with a totally new picture of a cockroach getting into a car.

Popular Memes on Roach getting into a car

Attached are the most popular memes on the already famous version.

More Images of a roach getting into a car

Here are a few images of a roach getting into a car. I have compiled them myself and you can freely use to tease your firends and family.

A roach getting in a Model X Car

An image of a cockroach getting into a Model X

A roach getting in a Sports Car

An image of a cockroach getting into a Sports Car

A roach getting in a Rolls Royce Car

A roach getting into a Rolls Royce

A roach getting in a Ford Truck

A cockroach getting into a FORD-150

A roach getting in a Civic

A cockroach getting into a Civic Type R