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Dog ate Roach Trap (Do THIS First!)

Dogs have an excellent sense of smell, helping them accurately locate the source of the smell. Meanwhile, dogs are pretty naughty pets and become highly impatient with the sight or smell of food.

Roach traps like Advion or Combat Max roach traps emit an aroma of food. This helps attract roaches and lure them into consumption and entrapment.

Unfortunately, dogs can sometimes also get attracted to the smell of roach traps and might lick or even eat them. This might be a pretty grim situation for the pet owner.

On the one hand, the trap (which is usually a plastic container) might get stuck inside the dog’s throat, while on the other side, the poison inside the container might poison the dog.

Follow these simple guidelines if you fear your dog ate a roach trap,

  1. Confirm whether the dog has just licked the trap or has eaten it
  2. If the dog has eaten the roach trap, check whether the trap was made up of cardboard or plastic.
  3. If it is made of plastic, ensure it’s not stuck in the dog’s throat. You will hear stridor (noisy breathing that occurs due to obstructed airflow) if it’s the case.
  4. If the trap is stuck in the esophagus, there will be a pooling of saliva and difficulty swallowing even liquids.
  5. In such situations, immediately take the dog to a veterinary doctor.
  6. If none of the above situations, look for the quantity of consumption if the trap contains poison.
  7. Carefully read the roach trap packing (It will help you know the type and percentage of insecticide inside the gel)
  8. If the Gel packing mentions specific instructions to follow in case of poisoning, follow them as mentioned.
  9. If your dog has just licked the trap, do not worry. Instead, reassure yourself, stay calm and observe the dog.
  10. If your dog has eaten more than the specified limit of roach poison, carefully observe for signs of poisoning such as vomiting, lethargy, difficulty or forced breathing, and difficulty walking (Ataxia).
  11. Immediately consult a veterinary doctor and inform him about the whole situation.

Tired of cockroaches? Invest in only these products and follow the guide to eliminate roaches!

Use these products, and you will be roach free in less than a week.

1. Advion Cockroach Gel Bait (Review)
2. Gentrol IGR Point Source (Review)

Other Products to try:

1. Combat Roach Traps (Easy than gel baits)
2. Hot Shot Foggers (To kill in masses – 95%)
3. Pet Safe Killers (Uses Essential Oils)
4. Ortho Defence Outdoor Roach Killer (Prevent Roaches)

Is a roach Trap harmful to pets?

Cockroach traps are either Bait Stations that poison cockroaches and help kill them and their colony.

Or they are the Sticky Roach Glue Traps that physically trap the cockroaches and starve them to death. These baits have sticky glue that often becomes useless after 14 days.

Most sticky roach glue traps are not poisonous to your dog or other pets and are among the Best Pet Safe Roach killers. These sticky glue traps are usually made of cardboard and therefore do not impose the threat of choking.

On the side, bait stations, also known as roach traps by the general population, have a poison that cockroaches eat to get killed.

These poisonous bait stations do impose a threat to your dog or pet if they consume it.

What to do if your dog ate a roach Trap?

It is common for your pet, including dogs and cats, to accidentally lick or even eat a roach trap. The adverse effects or signs of poisoning have a lot to do with the dog’s weight and the physical attribute of the trap.

A big dog will have minor effects compared to a small dog because of its larger body weight.

On the other hand, roach traps made of plastic are dangerous if dogs eat them because of the choking hazard. However, the chemical inside the bait is less dangerous than the small plastic parts.

If your dog ate a roach trap with a plastic container, it could cause esophageal or airway blocking.

Immediately consult a veterinary doctor if you hear noisy breathing (Stridor), pooling of saliva, or difficulty swallowing.

On the other hand, if your dog ate a roach trap with no plastic in it but only gel, most likely, the dog will be ok with no severe consequences (if consumed in a small amount, If the amount consumed is more than the specified limit it will poison your dog).

However, Once your dog has eaten the roach trap, follow these steps,

Step 1: Stay Calm and Reassure Yourself

The first step is to stay calm and reassure yourself that everything will be fine. Do not panic or shout. There are slight chances that your dog will be affected at all.

Step 2: Confirm whether the dog has licked or eaten the roach trap

After making yourself calm, carefully look and confirm whether the dog just licked or has eaten the roach trap. If eaten, check whether he is choking or breathing quietly.

Next, look for the quantity of roach trap poison eaten. Draw a rough conclusion by looking at the sight where the gel was applied.

Step 3: Read and Follow instructions on Packing

The next step is to look for trap packing. If available, read and follow the instruction given on the packing. If there is no specific instruction, proceed to step 4.

Step 4: Look for Sings of Danger if the dog has eaten a roach trap (with poison within it) less than the specified limit

If your dog has eaten a roach trap and the quantity of bait is less than 0.1 grams per Pound of body weight (0.3 grams per kg of body weight), just observe for signs of danger, and you do not need to take it to the veterinary clinic.

Give plenty of fluids and a soft diet rich in vitamins.

Step 5: Consult a veterinary doctor if the dog has consumed more than the specified limit

If your dog has eaten a roach trap containing more than 0.1 grams per Pound of body weight (0.3 grams per kg of body weight), immediately consult a veterinary doctor.

The doctor will immediately order investigations like serum electrolytes, Renal and liver function tests, and give your dog a few doses of Activated Charcol via Nasogastric tube (If needed).

Step 6: If help is far away, try to induce vomiting and give first aid

If you are alone, far away from help, and think that the dog has consumed more than the specified limit, try to induce vomiting.

For this, give a few forceful sips of Hydrogen Peroxide. It will induce vomiting within minutes. If the dog is unconscious, do not induce vomiting. If the condition worsens, do CPR or other life-saving maneuvers as needed.

Additional Read!